Social media stream ideas

Check out this guide from Vimeo!

Add these fun stream ideas to your social media live streaming idea bank:

Host an AMA session

Interview industry experts on the regular like Vimeo’s Working Lunch Series

Here are more examples of businesses crushing it on LinkedIn Live.

At the end of the day, your social live stream is all about keeping conversations flowing. If you’re racking your brain on other ways to get on the (streaming) stage, try one of these ideas:

  • Do a BTS live stream, for example, show your workspace.
  • Share tips or lay out how to do something.
  • Share your thoughts on an industry event or trend.

Social media live streaming tips

Finally, here are six simple tips to help you rock at live streaming. If you’re looking to dig deeper, you’ll find these live streaming tips from the Vimeo team helpful. Plus, we’ve got a streaming checklist to help you keep everything on track.

1. Start with an outline

An outline is a must whether you’re someone who dominates at improv on the fly or if you’re someone who finds comfort in direction.  Without one, you might find yourself leaning on ‘umms’ and ‘ahs’ more often than you like. You might even find yourself in an awkward position where you completely forget what you were saying.

Going live means meeting audience expectations without any retakes. It also requires keeping the audience engaged with a flowing conversation and clearly defined content. For all this and more, an outline gives you much needed direction.

2. Practice before you go live

Again, zero retakes and the pressure to keep the show going takes work. Of course, you’ll get better with time. No matter if you’re a live streaming pro or total newbie, practice makes perfect.

Try recording yourself and reviewing the video to see how you’re presenting. Or host a live session to a closed audience of friends to get some constructive feedback.

3. Announce your stream ahead of time

Creating hype around your live stream helps you build anticipation, encouraging folks to join you as you go live. Want a better idea? Cross-promote.

Take a page from the Content Marketing Institute’s social media live streaming book. They invite folks from their Twitter chat to join their Facebook Live.

4. Offer context throughout the stream

Your audience will likely jump in and out of your stream at different times.  Remember toto what your topic throughout the stream as folks join in late. Alternatively, add a lower third to the bottom of your stream to provide clarity to viewers.

 5. Have a plan to engage with your audience

The best part about live streams is the ability to connect with your audience in real time. Take advantage of tools and host an ask me anything (AMA) session, send out a poll, or take questions via chat. Reading comments and responding to them throughout the stream is a good way to keep viewers engaged and connected to your streaming content.

6. Add a CTA to your social media stream

Want viewers to follow you to get updates on when you go live next? Want them to download the checklist of the process you explained in your broadcast? Whatever step you want viewers to take, tell them.

Bonus: To get viewers to stick with you until the very end of your social media stream, offer a giveaway, a discounted class, cheat sheet, or a free ebook. Tell them you’ll be giving them a surprise in the end and they’ll stay to see what you have to offer. Just make sure the gift is worth their time.

Ready to tap into social media live streaming?

Now that you know how to go live on social media, we suggest you polish your idea into an outline, finalize your wardrobe, and start streaming.